Simon TookoomeEach Depends on the Other, 1975Stonecut & Stencil / gravure sur pierre et pochoir25 x 37 1/2 in$ 600.00
63.5 x 95.3 cm -
Kanayuk TukalakBeluga, 1965Stonecut / gravure sur pierre19 1/2 x 24 1/2 in$ 600.00
49.5 x 62.2 cm -
Papiara TukikiAana (Very Old Fish), 2004lithograph / lithographie15 x 41 3/4 in$ 1,500.00
38.1 x 106 cm -
Will BarnettPlay, 1975Lithograph / Lithgraphie35 x 26 in$ 2,500.00
88.9 x 66 cm -
Johnny PootoogookWolf Pack, 2022Etching & chine collé / eau forte et chine collé23 1/4 x 25 5/8 in$ 750.00
59 x 65 cm -
Nicotye SamayualieMagic Hour, 2022Etching & aquatint /eau forte et aquatinte26 x 29 in$ 900.00
66 x 73.5 cm -
Nujalia QuvianaqtuliaqNew Summer Tent, 2022Etching & aquatint /eau forte et aquatinte20 1/8 x 22 1/2 in$ 500.00
51 x 57 cm -
Qiatsuq RageeNesting Owls, 2022Etching & chine collé / eau forte et chine collé23 1/4 x 27 3/8 in$ 800.00
59 x 69.5 cm -
Ooloosie SailaAlmighty Owl, 2022Stonecut & stencil / gravure sur pierre et pochoir10 3/8 x 15 7/8 in$ 400.00
26.3 x 40.2 cm -
Olooreak EtungatCoral Reef, 2022Etching & chine collé / eau forte et chine collé13 1/4 x 16 7/8 in$ 450.00
33.5 x 43 cm -
Qavavau ManumieWatchful Spirit, 2022Stonecut & stencil / gravure sur pierre et pochoir12 7/8 x 16 3/8 in$ 450.00
32.8 x 41.5 cm -
Qavavau ManumieCollecting Berries, 2022Stonecut & stencil / gravure sur pierre et pochoir24 3/8 x 38 in$ 1,000.00
62 x 96.5 cm -
Padloo SamayualieOctopus's Garden, 2022Etching & chine collé / eau forte et chine collé19 3/8 x 20 3/4 in$ 500.00
49.2 x 52.6 cm -
Iyola KingwatsiakLoon's Descent, 1992Stonecut & stencil /gravure sur pierre et pochoir14 1/2 x 20 in$ 900.00
36.8 x 50.8 cm -
Qavavau ManumieBlue Bird, 1993Lithograph & stencil / lithographie et pochoir21 x 18 in$ 750.00
53.3 x 45.7 cm -
Jessie OonarkPursuit With Spears and Kayaks, 1971Stonecut & stencil / gravure sur pierre et pochoir24 1/2 x 34 in$ 2,000.00
62.2 x 86.4 cm -
Simon TookoomeThe Pleasure of Eating Fish, 1970Stonecut & stencil / gravure sur pierre et pochoir25 x 37 in$ 1,200.00
63.5 x 94 cm -
Sheojuk EtidloieShaman's Trance, 1998Etching & Aquatint / eau-forte et aquatinte32 5/8 x 31 7/8 in$ 3,500.00
83 x 81 cm -
Kananginak PootoogookQaugulligaaq (Spring Bird), 1986stonecut & stencil / gravure sur pierre et pochoir21 3/4 x 28 in$ 1,500.00
55.2 x 71.1 cm -
Kananginak PootoogookArctic Murres, 2007Etching & aquatint / eau-forte et aquatinte27 3/4 x 35 1/8 in$ 1,800.00
70.5 x 89.2 cm -
Kananginak PootoogookAulajijakka (Things I remember), 2011Linocut / linogravure11 x 24 3/8 in$ 600.00
28 x 62 cm -
Jessie OonarkHelped By Spirits, 1970stonecut / gravue sur pierre21 1/4 x 17 in$ 1,500.00
54 x 43.2 cm -
Jessie OonarkTwo Fish Looking For Something To Eat, 1978serigraph / serigraphie22 x 29 3/4 in$ 1,800.00
55.9 x 75.6 cm -
Kenojuak AshevakArctic Quest, 2002etching & aquatint / eau forte et aquatinte31 1/2 x 41 5/8 in$ 2,400.00
80 x 105.8 cm -
Kenojuak AshevakRavens at Daybreak, 2000Lithograph / lithographie15 x 22 in$ 1,000.00
38.1 x 55.9 cm -
Malaya AkulukjukSandpipers Resting, 1979Stencil / pochoir11 1/2 x 19 1/4 in$ 325.00
29.2 x 48.9 cm -
Kenojuak AshevakRavens at Twilight, 2000etching & aquatint / eau forte et aquatinte22 3/4 x 25 in$ 1,500.00
57.8 x 63.5 cm -
Pitseolak AshoonaBirds Over Mallik, 1975stonecut / gravure sur pierre19 3/4 x 16 3/4 in$ 750.00
50.2 x 42.5 cm -
Annie MikpigaIn and Out of the Igloo, 1965stonecut / gravure sur pierre16 3/4 x 31 in$ 650.00
42.5 x 78.7 cm -
Jessie OonarkMy Dream of a Person With Birds, 1981Linocut & stencil / linogravure et pochoir25 1/4 x 37 in$ 2,400.00
64.1 x 94 cm -
Josie Pamiutu PapialukJust Walking Around, 1985stonecut / gravure sur pierre8 1/2 x 12 1/2 in$ 250.00
21.6 x 31.8 cm -
Josephie PootoogookThe Destiny of Akmgirk, 1960stencil / pochoir19 x 12 in$ 3,000.00
48.3 x 30.5 cm -
Kananginak PootoogookKupanuaq, 1975stonecut / gravure sur pierre24 x 33 1/4 in$ 1,400.00
61 x 84.5 cm -
Kananginak PootoogookYoung Raven, 1991stencil / pochoir22 1/4 x 30 in$ 850.00
56.5 x 76.2 cm -
Kananginak PootoogookTuktu (Caribou), 1995stonecut & stencil / gravure sur pierre et pochoir30 x 23 1/4 in$ 800.00
76.2 x 59.1 cm -
Pudlo PudlatBirds of the Tundra, 1986stonecut / gravure sur pierre25 x 30"$ 900.00
Kakulu SagiatukSpirit Messenger, 1996etching & aquatint / eau forte et aquatinte22 1/4 x 19 in$ 750.00
56.5 x 48.3 cm -
Pitaloosie SailaStar Gazing, 2004Lithograph / lithographie30 x 22 1/4 in$ 1,200.00
76.2 x 56.5 cm -
Pudlo PudlatSnow Swan of Parketuk, 1983stonecut / gravure sur pierre24 1/4 x 34 in$ 1,400.00
61.6 x 86.4 cm -
Pudlo PudlatMetiq on Mallik, 1983stonecut / gravure sur pierre24 3/4 x 33 3/4 in$ 2,000.00
62.9 x 85.7 cm -
Pudlo PudlatPatriarchal Protector, 1986stonecut % stencil / gravure sur pierre et pochoir24 x 28 in$ 2,200.00
61 x 71.1 cm -
Kenojuak AshevakInto the Light, 1999etching & aquatint / eau-forte et aquatinte31 1/2 x 39 in$ 6,000.00
80 x 99 cm -
Sheojuk EtidloieSnow Bunting, 1999etching & aquatint / eau-forte et aquatinte31 1/2 x 41 in$ 3,000.00
80 x 104 cm -
Luke IksiktaaryukAn Ancient Way of Dancing, 1972Stonecut & Stencil / gravure sur pierre39 1/4 x 24 1/2 in$ 3,500.00
99.7 x 62.2 cm -
Tivi EtokThe Torngats Came Knocking in the Night , 1975Stonecut / gravure sur pierre21 1/2 x 29 in$ 600.00
54.6 x 73.7 cm -
Tivi EtokHunter & Caribou, 1974Stonecut / gravure sur pierre20 x 24 1/2 in$ 600.00
50.8 x 62.2 cm -
Tivi EtokWolf & Caribou II, 1974Stonecut / gravure sur pierre21 3/8" x 29 3/8"$ 650.00
Tivi EtokCaribou & Wolf III, 1974Stonecut / gravure sur pierre21 1/2 x 29 1/2 in$ 650.00
54.6 x 74.9 cm -
Joe TaliruniliWalrus Hunting From Kayak, 1963Stonecut / gravure sur pierre16 1/4 x 24 1/4 in$ 1,500.00
41.3 x 61.6 cm -
Joe TaliruniliHunting Seals, 1975Stonecut / gravue sur pierre24 1/2 x 27 3/4 in$ 1,800.00
62.2 x 70.5 cm -
Saimaiyu AkesukFlipside, 2023Etching & Aquatint / eau forte et aquatinte68.6 x 75.6 cm$ 800.00
Napachie AshoonaBattle Royale, 2023Stonecut / gravure sur pierre11 1/8 x 18 5/8 in$ 350.00
28.2 x 47.2 cm -
Shuvinai AshoonaGarden of Eden, 2023Linocut / linogravure31.7 x 35 cm$ 500.00
Shuvinai AshoonaFloating Leaves Linocut & Stencil, 2023Stonecut & Stencil / gravure sur pierre et pochoir44 1/2 x 59 3/4 in$ 600.00
113 x 151.9 cm -
Matthew FlahertyTwo-Headed Raven , 2023Stonecut & Stencil / gravure sur pierre et pochoir18 1/8 x 27 in$ 500.00
46 x 68.5 cm -
Killiktee KillikteeAerial Standoff , 2023Stonecut / gravure sur pierre20 7/8 x 28 3/8 in$ 600.00
53 x 72 cm -
Kakee NingeoseakRaven Hop, 2023Linocut / linogravure19 1/2 x 22 3/4 in$ 450.00
49.5 x 57.8 cm -
Josie PootoogookGames We Play, 2023Stonecut / gravure sur pierre19 1/2 x 22 3/4 in$ 500.00
49.5 x 57.7 cm -
Ooloosie SailaLoon Passage, 2023Etching & Chine Collé / eau-forte et Chine Collé23 3/8 x 28 1/4 in$ 800.00
59.5 x 71.8 cm -
Olooreak EtungatBeluga Dream, 2023Lithograph, Stonecut & Stencil / lithographie, gravure sur pierre et pochoir13 1/4 x 23 3/8 in$ 400.00
33.7 x 59.4 cm -
Qavavau ManumieRebirth, 2023Stonecut & Stencil / gravure sur pierre et pochoir24 3/8 x 38 3/8 in$ 1,000.00
62 x 97.5 cm -
Quvianaqtuk PudlatObservant Bear, 2023Etching & Aquatint / eau forte et aquatinte31 5/8 x 44 1/8 in$ 1,200.00
80.4 x 112.2 cm -
Quvianaqtuk PudlatPushback, 2023Lithograph / lithographie22 1/2 x 28 in$ 800.00
57.3 x 71 cm -
Pauojoungie SaggiakSpring Dip, 2023Lithograph / lithographie17 7/8 x 25 5/8 in$ 500.00
45.5 x 65 cm -
Susie SailaOrnamental Knives , 2023Stonecut / gravure sur pierre17 x 23 1/2 in$ 500.00
43.2 x 59.6 cm -
Johnny PootoogookKinngait at Night , 2023Stencil / pochoir12 5/8 x 39 1/8 in$ 600.00
32 x 99.3 cm -
Sharni PootoogookBuntings, 1964Stonecut / gravure sur pierre20 x 24 1/2 in$ 2,500.00
50.8 x 62.2 cm -
Kenojuak AshevakFestive Loon, 2008Etching and aquatint / eau forte et aquatinte31 1/2 x 41 in$ 3,600.00
80 x 104.1 cm -
Kenojuak AshevakRabbit Eating Seaweed II, 1998Etching & Aquatint / eau forte et aquatinte24 x 31 1/4 in$ 4,000.00
61 x 79.4 cm -
Kenojuak AshevakRavens Entwined, 2004Lithograph / lithographie22 1/2 x 30 in$ 1,800.00
57.1 x 76.2 cm -
Sheojuk EtidloieFire Bird, 1999Etching & Aquatint / eau forte et aquatinte28 3/4 x 24 in$ 3,500.00
73 x 61 cm -
Sheojuk EtidloieDancing Raven, 1997Etching & Aquatint / eau forte et aquatinte18 x 20 in$ 3,200.00
45.7 x 50.8 cm -
Mialia JawStolen Bannock, 2006Stonecut & stencil / gravure sur pierre et pochoir18 x 24 1/2 in$ 800.00
45.7 x 62.2 cm -
Meelia KellyHoot, 2006Stonecut / gravure sur pierre13 x 24 1/2 in$ 1,500.00
33 x 62.2 cm -
Meelia KellyMeelia's Birds, 2006Stonecut / gravure sur pierre24 1/4 x 29 7/8 in$ 1,750.00
61.6 x 75.9 cm -
Qavavau ManumieThe Kelp Collector, 2005Stonecut & stencil / gravure sur pierre et pochoir17 1/4 x 17 in$ 500.00
43.8 x 43.2 cm -
ParrDog Seals Walrus, 1962engraving / gravure19 x 13 1/8 in$ 2,000.00
48.3 x 33.3 cm -
Annie Pootoogook35/36 (Bra), 2006Collagraph and stencil / collagraphie et pochoir17 1/2 x 29 3/4 in$ 3,200.00
44.5 x 75.6 cm -
Kananginak PootoogookArctic Owls & Nest, 1976Stonecut & Stencil / gravure sur pierre et pochoir24 x 33 1/2 in$ 2,500.00
61 x 85.1 cm -
Kananginak PootoogookSteadfast Muskox, 2005Stonecut & stencil / gravure sur pierre et pochoir24 1/4 x 19 1/4 in$ 1,800.00
61.6 x 48.9 cm
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